Beginning of career in DevOps.

Beginning of career in DevOps.

Journey to DevOps!

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a methodology which involves practices to bridge the gap between Development and Operation teams by using Open source automation build tools. In comparison to traditional processes, DevOps increases the effectiveness, speed, and security of software development and delivery.

Skillset to be acquired during the journey?

  1. Programming languages (Python, Ruby, Rust, Node.js, etc.)

  2. Understanding concepts of OS (Process management, Sockets, Threads and Concurrency, etc.)

  3. Understanding version control systems

  4. Managing servers

  5. Linux Concepts

  6. Web Server Concepts

  7. Infrastructure as a code

  8. Configuration of software

  9. Deploy

  10. CI/CD Pipelines

  11. Application Monitoring

  12. Cloud providers and services

  13. Cloud patterns

Future of DevOps?

In the present-day scenario of IT organizations, DevOps Engineer is among the most demanding job profiles along with no sign of slowing down in the future. In the past 3-4 years, the demand for DevOps professionals has increased almost by 40-45% and is continuously increasing. DevOps is challenging as it requires an understanding of a vast skillset along with in-depth knowledge of the field. I will advise you to learn each skill properly through hands-on practice.

Learning and resources?

When I got interested in the field of DevOps, I was totally confused about where should I start and take mentorship. Initially, I started with Kunal Kushwaha, he is a young guy in the field of DevOps who is doing good. As he use to teach on youtube and the content on youtube is not that structured every time, I also felt a lack of personal mentorship. So, I decided to look for a better-structured course and personal mentorship and then I came to know about TrainWithShubham (Shubham Londhe) who also has a youtube channel but runs a batch specifically for DevOps. I watched the way he teaches and I was getting comfortable with the way he delivers content. I bought his course of batch-3 DevOps zero-to-hero and currently, I am under his mentorship (Shubham Londhe). I am enjoying it a lot.

Link to the course and other resources:-

Batch III - Advance DevOps - Zero to Hero (March 23) [Recommended]

TrainWithShubham (youtube channel)

Kunal Kushwaha DevOps Bootcamp.

TechWorld with Nana

Let's connect!

My name is Hariansh Singh currently pursuing B.E Computer Science Engineering from Chandigarh University. I am an aspiring DevOps Engineer.

You can connect with me by clicking on the links to my social profiles below.


